Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within

“Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within” is an inspirational and transformative guide that draws parallels between the life of a butterfly and the human experience. This book invites readers on a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and joy, using the metamorphosis of a butterfly as a metaphor for personal transformation. At its core, this work explores the idea that, much like a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, individuals can find liberation and happine... [Read More...]

Free and Clear: 7 Steps to Declutter Your Home and Your Head

Your stuff isn’t the problem. Most people are caught in a declutter-reclutter cycle and they don’t even know it. Free and Clear can help you break the re-cluttering habit, and finally be free of the anxiety and exasperation that excess physical clutter can provoke. You’ll get to the real issue of why you accumulated all that stuff in the first place and learn the 7-step system to clear your clutter and finally be free. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]


“Co-Parenting with a Narcissist” is more than a book; it’s a lifeline. Written by Elizabeth Morgan, this guide offers practical psychological strategies and advice that will empower you to effectively manage the challenges of co-parenting while prioritizing your mental health and the mental health of your children. It’s a comprehensive resource for anyone facing the daunting task of navigating these turbulent waters. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Chasing Influence: Transformational Coaching to Build Champions for Life

After back-to-back tragedies, the town of Wassail Falls rallies around Coach Stick Olson. As generations of players return to support Coach Olson, and share stories of the role he played in their lives, it becomes clear Coach hasn’t just been teaching baseball and chasing victories; he’s been chasing influence and providing leadership and life lessons. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Poorly Wrapped Gifts: Rising and Thriving After Infidelity

Your partner cheated. Now what? In this authentic and vulnerable book, the author shares the aftermath and her healing path after learning about her partners affair and having her heart broken into a million pieces. As you journey with the author, you will feel validated and not so alone. You will gain hope that not only will you survive this, but you will eventually find a way to thrive. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Master Critical Thinking, Creative, Logic & Problem Solving Skills (4 Books in 1)

Boost your brainpower with a set of four books designed to enhance your thinking skills. Written by cognitive psychology expert William Henderson, these books cover critical thinking, decision-making, logical reasoning, and creative thinking. Learn practical techniques to improve your decision-making, overcome biases and fallacies, and unleash your creative potential. With evidence-based strategies and easy-to-follow advice, these books offer a roadmap for personal and professional growth. $0.9... [Read More...]

I love you when …

Dive into this gripping self-help narrative that explores the hidden world of covert narcissism within families. Emma, born into the illusion of a perfect life, confronts the stark reality of a toxic family system led by a covertly narcissistic mother and a narcissistic-sadistic father. Behind closed doors, manipulation thrives, shrouded by external prosperity and a facade of good upbringing. As Emma navigates the complexities of her seemingly idyllic family, the narrative unveils the decades-l... [Read More...]

10 Mentors Of Mental Toughness: Supercharge Your Mind And Amplify Your Inner Strength With 10 Stories Of Mental Toughness

No challenge is ever insurmountable. Don’t believe us? Maybe you’ll believe these TEN awe-inspiring icons. Get closer to inspiring figures and feel less lonely in an isolating world. Join the league of unyielding spirits, and let the stories within inspire your journey toward mental toughness. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]