A fire rages. Children race to escape the woods being devoured by flames. A white man in a white robe is carried away on a stretcher. Claire, a young, Yankee teacher, and her new husband, Bruce, move from Detroit to Selma, Alabama in 1969 when he joins the Air Force. It doesn’t take long for Claire to realize there’s more to this town than meets the eye, but she has her own issues to overcome: a miscarriage, family drama, connecting with her students, and settling into social beckonings in the Deep South. This historical novel about teaching and learning also a heart-wrenching and heart-warming family story about newlyweds, new beginnings, new friends, and risky ideals. Claire will have to decide what’s more important: fitting in and settling down, or joining the underground sisterhood fight against segregation and racism – Fems for Freedom. Free on Kindle.
Free: Beyond the Pettus Bridge