Rebels in Pisa

Rumors of insurrection in Renaissance Pisa spur Florentine authorities to send young lawyer Nico Argenti to investigate. He and his team uncover more than expected: smuggling, abduction, and murder. Renaissance Italy 1465: After six decades of domination by Florence, agitators in Pisa are taking action. They remember the past when Pisa was an independent State and they are impatient to regain that freedom. Rumors of an impending insurrection reach officials in Florence who dispatch Nico Argenti... [Read More...]

A Chicken Was There Also – Tales of the Courageous Chickens Who Were There Through the Civil War and the Rebuilding of America

As America marched to war, brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, a chicken was there. When a ship sailed into New York Harbor, bound for Ellis Island, a chicken was there. When women stood to be counted, demanding the right to vote, a chicken was there. Now, for the first time ever, the chickens who witnessed the events of 1800s America will tell their stories. Part historical fiction, part humorous observation, the sharp wit and heartwarming innocence of the hens and roosters who... [Read More...]

Novice Threads

1850s Scotland. Growing up brings heartache for Margaret Law. Becoming a tutor is close to her dreams but the Edinburgh household she works in is riddled with trauma and tragedy. Her parents estrangement, and the mystery surrounding her best friends father, add to her insecurities about forming lasting adult relationships. When death rips the household apart Margaret must leave Edinburgh to forge a new future, though where and doing what? $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Journeys to Camelot: Merlin Sails the Sea of Time

The Council of Elders sent Merlin through time to find “the hope from the future” spoken of in an ancient prophecy. He finds two girls and three boys from one family, seemingly unlikely heroes, and takes them (kidnaps them?) to the Dark Ages–the time of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table. Merlin loses them on their entry. They must rely on each other and their wits as they are threatened by wolves, changing trolls, a famous dragon, and shape-shifting magicians. The... [Read More...]

Starlight in the Dawn

Step into the banks of the ancient Euphrates around 2300 BCE. A high priestess’ epic struggle for power in the men’s world of ancient Sumer. The beautiful daughter of Sargon the Great and High priestess of the Sumerian city of Ur leaves the ivory tower of the priesthood and rises to unforeseen challenges. $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Victory in Europe

A vivid, historically documented story of Ike Eisenhowers critical involvement in winning the war in Europefrom D-Day through the battle for France, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge, the crossing of the Rhine, and the final destruction of Hitlers evil Third Reich. $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]