Thunderstroke is a strong and powerful story written as poems. It is a deep expression of how Terence Ang is living with the aftermath of his stroke. Unlike the graphic artwork of Ang’s previous books. The pages display words without pictures. Poetry is a work of art and this book is artfully written in a way that is brilliant. It reveals the feelings and emotions of how dealing with a stroke left Terence.
Most of the poems are written metaphorically to describe the hardships, challenges, and disabilities of living with a stroke. Which allows the reader to reflect on the impact yet giving a positive mindset for overcoming and transformation. Although the poems are short and simple, the poet paints meaningful pictures with his words.
Thunderstroke isn’t only about the struggles of dealing with a stroke. It gives encouragement to overcome challenges and obstacles pertaining to it. Giving hope to those who have suffered or a loved one who is experiencing the aftermath of a stroke. Most of all.. Poetry is a beautiful expression of emotions and can be healing to the soul. I Love this Book! – Poet and Author Teresa James