Free: Twenty Year Reunion

Twenty Year Reunion
Can you love the same person twice? When recently divorced Rebecca Lassiter is invited to her twenty-year high school reunion, she considers her options. Should she go? And will he be there? ‘He’ is none other than her ex-boyfriend, Quinn Martel, a wildly successful musician, known around the globe. When Rebecca’s flight is canceled the day before she’s supposed to leave for the reunion, as a last effort, she reaches out to Quinn, shocked when he responds, and even further surprised when he offers a ride in his private jet back to the States. Will sparks fly again between them? Will Quinn’s rockstar life be too much to overcome? Or will Rebecca’s jealous ex-husband ruin things before they get started? Download Twenty Year Reunion for a fun, sexy, and unique trip down memory lane. This novella is complete at 53K words and is priced accordingly. Free on Kindle.

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