Hardship and Bliss: Reflections for Mothers Who Seek Connection

Motherhood can be divinely rewarding but also extremely challenging. “Hardship and Bliss” is a collection of poems revealing the breadth of how it feels to be a mother. Magdalena Sabatino writes about this vulnerable journey, sharing joyful peak moments as well as the valleys of loneliness, exhaustion, and a crisis of identity. The book is an invitation to consciously parent; to create deep, compassionate relationships with one’s children; and to craft lives full of meaning, j... [Read More...]

The Family Letter: How to Intentionally Develop a Culture of Honor, Encouragement & Value with Your Loved Ones

There is a deep longing in our hearts to be known, loved and celebrated. We want to know what value and uniqueness our life brings to this world. Unfortunately, due to the busyness of life and the impact of social media, we have lost the power of communicating those life-giving words that literally can fill the void in our hearts and our thirsty souls. If you want to learn how to intentionally develop a culture of honor, encouragement and value with your loved ones, The Family Letter will equip... [Read More...]