Getting lost in a great book allows your mind to wander away from reality for a while but your physical body remains in the real world. The mental disconnection that occurs when someone gets too immersed in a story can cause a wide range of injuries. Some of the most common reading injuries that bookworms may experience include the following…
Walking off curbs, into poles, glass doors, other people
It’s extremely difficult for bookworms to focus on the mundane task of walking when they’re occupied with a riveting novel. Tripping and bumping into objects may cause bruises, humiliation, or pride damage when others notice your clumsiness. Reading while walking (also known as distracted walking) is highly discouraged.
Dry eyes and sleep deprivation
Fighting off the urge to sleep in order to finish a book is an all-too-common experience for bookworms. Unfortunately, it can cause fatigue and itchy, dry eyes. Caffeine is a popular remedy for these symptoms. Any bookworm will tell you, “Sure go ahead and abuse caffeine to fuel another all-night reading session.”
Dropping reading materials on the face
Avid readers may contort themselves into a variety of positions during a long reading session. Many report favoring lying on their back. Unfortunately, doing so typically results in their book, Kindle, or phone slipping out of their hands and hitting them in the face.

Sore neck and back
Some bookworms get into the habit of sitting with terrible posture when reading. They may spend hours hunched over their Kindles or novels while remaining blissfully unaware of the strain they’re putting on their neck and back. Readers may complain of a stiff neck, sore shoulders, or back pain after enjoying a book. If the pain is too great to work the next day, try using the excuse, “I hurt myself while reading.” It works every time. (Sarcasm)
Getting hit by cars while reading and crossing the street
A number of readers (mostly those reading text messages on their phone) become so absorbed that they forget to do simple tasks, such as looking both ways before crossing the street. Put text messages or your novel aside when crossing streets. We recommend listening to an audiobook if you must keep going with your book while you walk.
Heartache & emotional turmoil
Countless bookworms report feeling broken-hearted, upset, or even depressed if a book doesn’t end well or as they wanted it to. Perhaps a well-loved character is killed by a merciless author, or the reader has finished the last book of a series. Books cause joy and pain. However, this emotional turmoil won’t discourage the reader for long; most will happily dive into the deep end and begin a new book within a few days.
Willing to risk the potential for injuries that come with reading a great book? Visit us frequently to find thousands of free Kindle books.